January 22, 2008

For all updating purposes

For your enjoyment (and mine, too, I suppose), I have compiled a fun list of facts/observations/accounts courtesy of the beloved Haines.
"Hit on Nat Day"
This, I was unaware of, is a Haines holiday. To my surprise, I learned that January 19 is recognized among most either rugged locals or awkward newbies-in-town as the day to hit on me while I'm minding my own business at the fine establishment, Mountain Market. Of course, this realization is received well by me, who woke up feeling nauseous and is just trying to make it through the day and just recently vented to Lori about how there are too many young adult MALES in Haines. No, I do not want to run, walk, or "hang out sometime" with you. If you wanna talk Jesus, great. But I doubt that's what you're looking for. I should just pass out a business card when I introduce myself to people that says, "Let's just be friends" or "I'll platonically hang out with you any day. Can I bring my boyfriend?" After third said-fellow-in-one-day(two the other day)proposed quality time, even my co-worker Sam decided, "That was even awkward for me." I'm friendly, guys. I'm a barista. It's in the job description.
In other Mountain Market news, I received my review yesterday. It was over two months late, but who's counting. Apparently I'm "doing great" and those things I'm not quite good at "will just come with time." I'm "really appreciated" and "a good worker." Well. Yay. :) This coming from Deborah who sometimes looks at me like why I'm still there is a mystery, but hey- I could just be seeing things and I'll just take her word for it. It's nicer.
I work with a woman names Nelle who is probably in her forties and precious. She was reminiscing yesterday to the 70's station that was going on the XM stereo. I will never again be able to hear The Carpenters without thinking of Nelle and her Catillion. She's so good-natured (very Haines) that she doesn't mind that we make fun of the fact she almost named her daughter Fanny ("As in 'pack,' Nelle? How would she ever get through customs with a name like that?') and just admits, "These things are always in the way" when she sticks her boob in mayo while preparing a turkey sandwich. What a doll.

"In other news..."
I've taken up knitting again. It's what they do here. Heh. We'll see. Let's just say that at least now I have something to do while I'm composing emails, as there is about a 45-second delay from when I type to when it actually shows up on the email.
I am now a Haines Burough Public Library volunteer. It's awesome, considering it's known as "the biggest small town library in the nation" (or something like that) in the Library Journal. I just love being there. I just started and am going there tonight, but now I have my very own library number (free of the normal $20 charge, which rocks) and am very excited.
Last Sunday, was quite the busy Sunday for me at Haines Presbyterian Church. I lead worship, performed in the choir, read the scripture, and helped with Sunday school. As I told the new guy in town (who comes into Mt. Market all the time and was one of said males who recognized January 19th), "you know it's a small church when you're up and down from the front so much." It was fun.
My bathroom is the warmest room in the house. I keep the door closed so it will stay that way. The rest of the house is set at about 53 degrees. Heating the whole place is too expensive, thus I am required to wear long underwear and a hat just to go from my room to the bathroom and not freeze.
I finally made the trek into town, backpack ready, to buy milk and bread the other night. I'd been avoiding it for a couple of weeks now, as I just wasn't interested in carrying a gallon of cold milk all the way home in 15-degree weather. Hence the backpack. Of course, when I arrived at Howser's at 7:03pm Sunday night, I was greeted with locked doors, as they close at 7pm on Sundays. Of course. I finally went there after work yesterday and bought a half-gallon of 1%, all they had. The whole town's out of milk. Again. I dare you to remember the last time you said that about anywhere else. :) Now having milk helps me maintain my all Top Ramen-all Cream of Wheat diet (the picture is me facing the dilema of having to clean TR/COW pots just to make more TR/COW).
There was an eagle sitting in the tree outside my dining room window the other day. It was comforting.
That's about all for me, folks. Exciting news from Haines, I tell ya.
I miss you all. It'd be funnier if you were here with me.

January 11, 2008

Everything snow

Back again!I have to tell you, the last few days spent in Haines have been interesting, good and bad, and very full. This picture was taken on the ferry up to Haines from Juneau on a GORGEOUS day- wonderful day to be on a boat. Believe it or not, many pictures like this one were taken but due to operator error, this one turned out the best. :)
In just one week, we have: gone sledding on snow shovels, gone back to youth group, made a fancy halibut dinner, gone sledding on actual sleds and nearly killed ourselves (it's okay mom- we laugh about it now), met a new friend Sam who I now work with at Mountain Market, made banana and chocolate chip pancakes (my dream REALIZED), gone snowshoeing out to camp, watched Indiana Jones, had a fun time at choir, driven out the highway on the pastor's whim on a BEAUTIFUL day to see eagles and swans, then only a few hours later driven out to Letnikof Cove on the pastor's whim to see a pod of killer whales super close up, finally changed out of snow clothes after three days, had wonderful homemade baked potato soup and played games. Whew. Granted, most of these happenings have been due to our friend Ben's visit- we don't normally pack in this much fun to one week, but who knows...maybe we do now because of ALL OF THE SNOW. This picture is from our banana-and-chocolate-chip pancake breakfast before snowshoweing, the there's a pic or Kenny walking into camp. Then there is Bromley Hall, covered in snow, which is just a little bit different than when we're there in the summer. Kenny, Lori, Ben, and I flipped around in the snow outside my house, so there's Kenny and I submerged just beyond my front porch, which is the norm as far as snow level goes. The last few pictures are from our drive out the highway to see eagles and swans...breathtaking.
I realize that this post hasn't really told you much about anything except some adventures, or really even elaborated on them, but I'm just getting back into this and I at least wanted to share some pictures with you. There are plenty more where that came from, trust me. I've been realizing that being here is full of picture opportunities...all the time...everyday...and i wish you were all here to see everything.
Beware: this post is full of fun, which is how I wanted to get back into the blogging swing of things, but there is some other stuff going on in the meantime up here in Haines that I will share soon. While Ben is here we've been trying to pack in the sights and we're avoiding reality at the same time, which isn't bad, but there's some music Kenny and I are going to have to face pretty soon.
I hope you like the pictures- I'll be hopefully making a Facebook album of them all soon- and I miss you all. Very much. No amount of snow or sledding can compete with you. :)